Sample Mental Status Exam Report

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    The main focus of this research is to inform the administrators and policymakers, the best way to care for the mentally ill and how to improve mental health service in older minority. According to U. An example of a psychological factor includes the...

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    A comparison will be made between this advanced assessment method and a generalist social work assessment. Interviewing people who have mental health concerns can offer challenges for clinical social workers. Julie Coldwell is a 25 year old woman...


    You can assess mental status as you perform the medial exam. For example, memory is assessed while taking the history. Mood can be assessed when you meet the patient. Mental status findings are important. Patient care plans may have to be altered in order to properly care for patients with impaired mental status. The following guidelines should be used for the assessment: First impressions Record your first impressions of the patient. Some very subtle thought disorders may be detected. Medical survey Incorporate the mental status exam into your medical survey general physical assessment. There are parts of the mental status assessment that may indicate an organic process as well as a mental illness. Explain procedures Always explain to the patient what you are about to do.

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  • Mental Status Exam (MSE)

    Most patients are very anxious just to be in the hospital, not to mention the sensitive questions you are going to ask them. Take notes Take notes during the assessment. Always explain to the patient what you are doing. You are taking notes so that you will not forget anything important. Use common sense If they say they are depressed, and might want to die, finish the remainder of your interview and have someone stay with the patient; report your findings, but make sure someone constantly stays with the patient; safety first.

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  • Mental Status Exam MT Transcribed Examples

    The following outline is the basic mental status exam. As each section is presented, techniques will be discussed. The exam is presented in this order only to give the nurse a guide to follow. Now proceed through steps of the exam in the following pages. As you read and review each system, be aware of the possible abnormalities of the mental status examination. Neurological Assessment Changes in level of consciousness; restlessness, listlessness, confusion, disorientation, others. Any of these changes may or may not accompany functional disorders, or can be only temporary symptom of a medical problem. Respiratory System Dyspnea, hyperventilation, others. Persons with certain disorders of the nervous system will manifest signs of respiratory distress; therefore, the mental status may also be affected. Cardiovascular System Rapid or irregular pulse or even the opposite may occur, a slowed pulse rate; many other changes may be obvious, such as the depressed patient who may have a slowing of all body systems.

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  • Mental Status Examination

    Gastrointestinal System These changes may include the minor complaints such as chronic indigestion, nausea, cramps, vague stomach pains, can also include symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea or constipation. Genital-Urinary System Urinary symptoms may include the following: frequency or retention, scant urine which is concentrated may be present in the person who is depressed and not taking adequate fluids. There may be other symptoms in addition to these. This is not to say that if a person has any of these symptoms, they also have a change in their mental status. All we can conclude is that if there has been no diagnosed reason for the particular symptoms, the nurse should always consider that a possibility can be an altered mental status with physical symptoms. Now we will discuss the next step which is mental status assessment with each step listed for clarity.

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  • Another Sample Mental Status Examination Report

    Overall Assessment History This is usually obtained during the medical history. Items to be included are drugs taken, trauma surgery, etc. General Appearance This part of the exam is often overlooked. Be sure to note the manner of dressing, grooming, and hygiene: abnormal: sloppy clothes, body odor, dirty clothes, all could mean OBS or depression. Very tidy or meticulous grooming may mean obsessive-compulsive personality. Facial Appearance Note facial expressions and appearance. Abnormal: depression and some other diseases can cause an inappropriate facial expression. Posture A normal reaction to hospitalization can make a person tense and unable to relax. Do note if they are too tense or too relaxed. Speech and motor activity are the most pertinent to our mental status examination. Abnormal: altered speech and motor activity can indicate depression, organic disease or other functional disease. Is patient open to your questions?

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  • How To Assess Mental Status

    Is the patient cooperative? Is the patient relaxed? Abnormal: belligerence, hostility, combativeness, would be considered a sign of some type of disease process. Intellectual Functioning Intellectual here means the higher brain functions of cognition which were mentioned earlier. By the higher brain functions, we mean that there must be some thought used, the brain must be used to its fullest capacity; i. Orientation Most nurses are familiar with this phase of brain function. Orientation is measured in time, person, and place. During your interview, it should become apparent the person is confused. Be precise with questions; time of day, day of week, date, month and the year. Start questions from the general to more precise questions. The patient may not know it is August 24, but they may know it is the month of August. Use this method for person and place as well. Communications Skills This category includes vocabulary used, information facts, spelling and reading.

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  • Mental Status Examination Medical Transcription Samples

    Assess these qualities only if needed. To perform a detailed examination in these areas, it might be necessary to consult another reference which lists vocabulary words, spelling word exams, reading tests, etc. Most nurses would not ordinarily need this much detail, unless they work in a specialty area such as neurology. Abnormal: Vocabulary is an excellent method of assessing intelligence, as well as information facts. Some examples are: How many days are there is a week? What is a major city in Italy? How many ounces in a pound? Abstract Reasoning This area includes the ability of the person to be able to interpret abstract concepts.

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  • Brief Report: The Autism Mental Status Examination: Development Of A Brief Autism-focused Exam

    To test the person, ask proverbs and their meaning: What do these mean? A rolling stone gathers no moss. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Abnormal The disorder of not being able to think abstractly is called concrete thinking. The person takes the words by their literal and actual meaning. Test them by using proverbs. Always remember that there are other factors which can influence this test. Persons who are from a different country and are not proficient in the English language, will also test poorly in this area unless they are tested in their own language. Attention Span Clinically speaking, this category includes the ability to pay attention to the interviewer and to concentrate on the subject of the interview. There are some methods of testing for this ability. Use of the digit span and the serial numbers sequence is the method of choice. For our purposes, however, these methods are also too time-consuming, and the information gained would have to be evaluated by an expert.

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  • Mental Status Examination

    In most instances, the physician performs this test and the others like it. Memory Most memory deficits will be apparent during the history-taking process. Test short-term memory by asking recent events. Also to test the recent memory, you can tell the patient a fact that he did not know previously, then ask them to recall the fact at a later time. Start at five minute intervals and then make the time longer or shorter, depending upon how the patient performs. Abnormal: Of course, lack of memory is abnormal. If the patient exhibits partial loss or transient loss of memory, that is significant, and needs to be assessed carefully. Also of great significance, is if the patient makes up answers to your questions confabulation.

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  • Mental Status Examination Reports

    When testing memory it is best to ask questions which can be easily verified. Recent memory can be assessed by asking the name of an object or address. If the patient answers wrongly, then ask the question again, very clearly, as he may not have heard you and answer the question wrong. Another way to test memory is to ask information questions such as: How many days are there in a week?

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  • Mental Status Examination Medical Report Transcription Examples

    What is the capital of Italy? What must you do to water to make it boil? When is Memorial Day? What are the four seasons of the year? What is a prime number?

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  • The Mental Status Examination

    More detailed reports are necessary when patients or clients exhibit a complex array of psychiatric symptoms, affect, and behavior. Less detailed reports are more common when the situation is less complex and the patient or client displays affect and behaviors that are generally within what might be considered a broad range of normal. In most cases MSEs are imbedded within a clinical or psychiatric interview. As a consequence, as an evaluator, sometimes you may obtain more information about certain areas of functioning than others.

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  • FREE 7+ Sample Mental Status Exam Forms In PDF | MS Word

    This may or may not be intentional and it may or may not be reflected in your report. For example, in the example below, the purpose of the interview was to screen an individual for advanced placement in a Job Corps setting. Because Job Corps is a social and vocational setting, you may notice the MSE report writer emphasizes social functioning. Keep in mind that like all MSE reports, this report is designed as a relatively objective appraisal of mental functioning.

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  • 2. Mental State Examination

    She was well-groomed and looked somewhat younger than her stated age. She was fully oriented and alert. Her speech was clear, coherent, and of normal rate and volume. Her affect was euthymic and stable. She has no significant mental health history. Her intellectual ability is probably at least in the above average range. She completed serial sevens and other concentration tasks without difficulty. Her cognitive skills, including memory and abstract thinking were intact. Her responses to questions pertaining to social judgment were positive and well-developed. Overall she appeared forthright and reliable.

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  • - examentop Resources And Information.

    Are they experiencing any hallucinations, delusions, illusions or other perceptual abnormalities? Other perceptual abnormalities and types of hallucinations are described further below. Acknowledge any distress these perceptions may be causing the person. Has the patient had acute psychotic symptoms? Have they recently had a tumour? Have they experienced adverse effects on antipsychotics? Are they experiencing hallucinations, seizures, severe anxiety, movement disorders, distorted vision and a decreased level of consciousness? Depersonalisation assessed and recorded within this area.

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  • The Mental Status Examination - American Family Physician

    Does the environment feel unreal to them? Are there any over-valued ideas? Sometimes those who have perceptual abnormalities often have trouble keeping track of their thoughts and conversations. Some people may find it hard to concentrate and will drift from one idea to another. Are they having trouble reading a newspaper, watching a TV programme or concentrating at work, studies or with general daily life? Has the environment changed for them? Have there been changes in the frequency and intensity of external stimuli? Is it reliable? If hallucinations are auditory, are they in 2nd or 3rd person? If more than one voice, sometimes the voices can argue with each other. Not perceived by the actual sense organs, but experienced as emanating from within the mind although vivid, they lack the substantiality of normal perception located in subjective internal , rather than objective external space, and is useful for delineating psychotic and non-psychotic symptoms.

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  • Physical Assessment

    Are they experiencing more than one? Multimodal hallucinations Non-auditory hallucinations can indicate an organic cause. Anomalous self-experiences are considered as central features of the schizophrenia spectrum disorders and prodromal schizophrenia. S for assessing negative symptoms. Are they having new perceptions that may or may not be a response to stimuli? The voices were also more likely to be critical and negative towards the individual, consistent with the experience of abuse in people with PTSD. The cognition section assesses their awareness of self, their environment, higher cortical functioning, frontal functioning, language, mental calculation, drawing and copying.

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  • UC San Diego's Practical Guide To Clinical Medicine

    Very Important: Please ensure that you are mindful of language barriers, age and ability for accurate and fair testing. Orientation: Consider the level of consciousness by assessing their orientation. Can the patient accurately answer the time, their date of birth, their age, and the place they currently are at? Is there an awareness of the current setting? What was their score? Repeat if necessary. Further testing can be done when required for naming and comprehension difficulties, dysgraphia, left-right orientation, verbal fluency, sensory and visual inattention and perseveration. Clouding of Consciousness: A state of drowsiness with possible impaired attention, memory and thinking. Vigilant, alert, drowsy, lethargic, confused, labile?

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  • Ten Point Guide To Mental State Examination (MSE) In Psychiatry

    Stupor: A state whereby the patient is mute, immobile or unresponsive. Memory: Test recent, immediate and long-term memory. Example questions for: 1. Recent memory: What time was your appointment with me today? What did you do last night? Long term memory: What date did you get married? What school did you go to? Immediate memory: Give the patient objects to remember and then ask them to repeat them back to you Refer to the Mini-Mental state examination or MoCA for detailed assessing.

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  • Mental State Examination (MSE) – OSCE Guide

    Reliability, judgment, and insight The following reports are provided as samples. Mental Status Report 1 Gary Sparrow, a year-old white male, was disheveled and unkempt on presentation to the hospital emergency room. He was wearing dirty khaki pants, an unbuttoned golf shirt, and white shoes and appeared slightly younger than his stated age. During the interview, he was agitated and restless, frequently changing seats. He was impatient and sometimes rude in his interactions with this examiner. Sparrow reported that today was the best day of his life, because he had decided to join the professional golf circuit. His affect was labile, but appropriate to the content of his speech i. His speech was loud, pressured, and overelaborative. He exhibited loosening of associations and flight of ideas; he intermittently and unpredictably shifted the topic of conversation from golf, to the mating habits of geese, to the likelihood of extraterrestrial life.

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  • Another Sample Mental Status Examination Report | John Sommers-Flanagan

    Sparrow described grandiose delusions regarding his sexual and athletic performance. He reported auditory hallucinations God had told him to quit his job and become a professional golfer and was preoccupied with his athletic and sexual accomplishments. He was oriented to time and place, but claimed he was the illegitimate son of Jack Nicklaus. He denied suicidal and homicidal ideation. He refused to participate in intellectual- or memory-related portions of the examination. Sparrow was unreliable and exhibited poor judgment. Insight was absent. Mental Status Report 2 Ms. Her grooming was adequate and she was cooperative with the examination.

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  • Two Sample Mental Status Examination Reports

    Her speech was slow, halting, and soft. You know, I have lots of visitors coming by later. Jackson was oriented to person and place, but indicated the date as January 9, today is July 8, Judgment, reliability, and insight were significantly impaired. To receive alerts about this and other related topics like clinical interviewing and counseling and psychotherapy, you should follow this blog. Also, if you want me to come to your organization to provide a workshop or keynote on this or on a related topic, email me at john.

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  • Mental State Examination (MSE) - OSCE Guide | Geeky Medics

    Reliability, judgment, and insight The following reports are provided as samples. Mental Status Report 1 Gary Sparrow, a year-old white male, was disheveled and unkempt on presentation to the hospital emergency room. He was wearing dirty khaki pants, an unbuttoned golf shirt, and white shoes and appeared slightly younger than his stated age. During the interview, he was agitated and restless, frequently changing seats. He was impatient and sometimes rude in his interactions with this examiner. Sparrow reported that today was the best day of his life, because he had decided to join the professional golf circuit.

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  • Mental Status Examination Medical Transcription Samples

    His affect was labile, but appropriate to the content of his speech i. His speech was loud, pressured, and overelaborative. He exhibited loosening of associations and flight of ideas; he intermittently and unpredictably shifted the topic of conversation from golf, to the mating habits of geese, to the likelihood of extraterrestrial life.

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