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Exam results will be ready approximately 15 - 20 business days after the exam date. Business days are Monday - Friday excluding holiday closures. Note: Before clicking on the "Registration" button, please view the exam schedule to select the...
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Complete the registration form online and submit your information to PSI via the Internet. Upon completion of the online registration form, you will be given the available dates for scheduling your test. You will need to choose a date to complete your registration. Upon successful registration, you will receive a traceable confirmation number. For example, for a a. Monday appointment, the cancellation notice would need to be received before a. Further, you will forfeit your examination fee, if: You do not cancel your appointment 2 days before the scheduled examination date; You do not appear for your examination appointment; You arrive after examination start time; You do not present proper identification when you arrive for the examination.
Register For The Exam
A new Candidate Information Bulletin and a notice of eligibility will be sent when these criteria for reexamination have been met. PSI personnel will attempt to contact you in this situation. However, you may check the status of your examination schedule by calling Every effort will be made to reschedule your examination at a convenient time as soon as possible. You will not be penalized. You will be rescheduled at no additional charge. This request must be on a special form provided by the Board of Psychology. The form can be downloaded from Board s website at PSI will provide auxiliary aids and services as approved by the Board of Psychology except when it may fundamentally alter the examination or results. The applicant must complete and submit a request for additional time that states under penalty of perjury that English is his or her second language.
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You can access this form from the Board s website at shtml. If documentation is approved by the Board of Psychology, the time limit on your examination may be extended by time and one half. You will be notified by of this approval, and should not schedule your examination until you have received your approval letter.
Schedule Your License Exam
AFTER 1. This allows time for check-in and identification verification and provides time to familiarize yourself with the examination process. If you arrive late, you may not be admitted to the examination site and you may forfeit your examination registration fee. Even though candidates will be thumb printed, you are still required to comply with any identification requirements established by the appropriate regulatory entity. The name on the application must match the photographic I. If you cannot provide the required identification, you must call at least 3 weeks prior to your scheduled appointment to arrange a way to meet this security requirement. Failure to provide all of the required identification at the time of the examination without notifying PSI is considered a missed appointment, and you will not be able to take the examination.
PSI Exam Centers Reopening Schedule Announced
Communicating with any other examinee during the administration of a licensing examination. Copying answers from another examinee or permitting one s answers to be copied by another examinee. Having in one s possession during the administration of the licensing examination any books, equipment, notes, written or printed materials, or data of any kind, other than the examination materials distributed, or otherwise authorized to be in one s possession during the examination.
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Impersonating any examinee or having an impersonator take the licensing examination on one s behalf. Nothing in this section shall preclude prosecution under authority provided for in any other provision of law. All candidates will have their thumbprint taken during examination check-in and re-entry into the testing room after an approved absence. If a candidate passes the examination, the thumbprint record will be destroyed. If a candidate abandons his or her application for licensure, as determined by the appropriate regulatory authority, the thumbprint will also be destroyed. If a candidate is unsuccessful, the thumbprint record will be retained by PSI to ensure proper identification on any subsequent examination attempts.
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If the thumbprint doesn t match upon exit and re-entry, the candidate shall be disqualified from the examination, his or her test results invalidated, and the appropriate regulatory entity will be notified of the occurrence. The taking of the thumbprint is an additional measure to enhance examination security. The Department s Office of Examination Resources shall ensure that the appropriate safeguards for the storage and destruction of the thumbprint records are in place. The temperature in the testing room is maintained at a moderate level.
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Candidates are advised to layer clothing. Acceptable layered clothing includes lightweight shirts, sweaters, and pullovers without pockets. These items must be worn upon check-in, while you wait to enter the testing room, and during your initial seating for the examination. There are timing mechanisms available at the test site and on the computer console to help candidates keep track of time during the test administration. Watches or other timekeeping devices are not permitted in the examination rooms. Only one candidate will be allowed to take a restroom break at a time.
PSI Test Centre Openings
Candidates are required to sign out when you leave the room and when you return. If a candidate s restroom break takes longer than 5 five minutes, a proctor will check on the candidate and will notify the applicable regulatory entity of the occurrence, which will take appropriate action. The following items are not permitted in the examination rooms: Cellular telephones, personal digital assistants PDAs , recording devices, cameras, pagers, purses, notebooks, notebook computers, reference or readings material, music players, radios, electronic games, calculators, or briefcases.
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Personal items including watches, backpacks, wallets, pens, pencils, or other writing devices, food, drinks unless prior approval is obtained by your regulatory entity and good-luck items. Hats, baseball caps, or visors with the exception of religious apparel , coats, shawls, hooded clothing, heavy jackets or overcoats. During the check-in process, all candidates will be asked if they possess any of the prohibited items and all candidates will be asked to empty their pockets. If prohibited items are found during check-in, candidates shall return these items to their vehicle or other place of safekeeping.
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Any candidate possessing the prohibited items in the examination room shall have his or her test results invalidated, and PSI shall notify the appropriate regulatory entity of the occurrence. Copying or communicating examination content is a violation of PSI security policy and existing law. Either one shall result in the disqualification or invalidation of examination results, the denial of your license, and may subject the candidate to criminal prosecution. You will be using a mouse and computer keyboard. When you are seated at the testing station, you will be prompted to confirm your name, identification number, and the examination for which you are registered. Sample questions are included following the tutorial so that you may practice answering questions, and reviewing your answers. One question appears on the screen at a time.
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However, it is your responsibility to renew your license whether or not you receive the renewal notice. As a newly licensed psychologist, we would like you to be aware of Section p of the Business and Professions Code which authorizes disciplinary action against a psychologist who functions outside of his or her particular field or fields of competence as established by his or her education, training and experience. The Board cannot renew a license unless the CE requirements have been met. You can find more detailed information about CE at the Board s Website You are not a licensed psychologist until you pay your initial license fee and your license number has been issued by the Board.
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Please indicate if there has been any change in your address. It is vital that you keep the Board of Psychology informed of your current address. The California Code of Regulations Section requires that you notify the Board immediately of any change of address. In considering the address you list on the form, be aware that it will be your address of record and that it will be available to the public by phone, in writing and through the Board of Psychology s Website. For obvious reasons, the Board strongly recommends that you do not use your residence address as your address of record. Personal impairments e. Disciplinary actions e. Subarea Task Knowledge T1.
PSI - California - Testing Locations
Comply with mandated reporting requirements as required by legal and ethical guidelines. Determine holder of privilege in accordance with legal and ethical guidelines. Comply with legal and ethical regulations governing holder of privilege. Determine exceptions to privilege in accordance with legal and ethical guidelines. Knowledge of legal and ethical guidelines regarding mandated reporting requirements. Knowledge of the timelines for mandated reporting. Knowledge of methods of mandated reporting e.
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Knowledge of circumstances under which confidential information may or may not be disclosed. Knowledge of the methods by which confidential information may be released. Knowledge of how to determine who holds privilege in various situations e. Knowledge of legal and ethical regulations governing the holder of privilege. Knowledge of legal and ethical consequences for breaching privilege.
Testing Sites And Dates
From the stop sign, turn left over the freeway, then turn right onto L. Wood Blvd. Proceed 2 blocks to Harpst Street; turn left. In Arcata, take the 14th St Exit. At the stop sign, proceed straight paralleling the freeway one block; turn right on Harpst Street. From Via Redding: Drive west on Highway there are some twisty mountain stretches of road here and chains may be required in the winter. Upon arrival at the coast, turn south on Highway Go south on to the Sunset Avenue freeway exit in Arcata. Wood Boulevard. Proceed two blocks to Harpst Street; turn left. End at Morro Road. End at Stockdale Highway. The easiest exit is made off Olive Ave. Please note the parking is in the rear lot between Clark and Orange Grove. Calimesa, California Calimesa Blvd. Continue on until intersection of Calimesa Blvd and Ave L. Right after intersection, will be Gray Chiropractic sign, to your right, on top of Terra Cotta Ctr bldg.
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Right into the Terra Cotta Ctr and park anywhere closer to Ste. Simplex United occupies the suite 4 inside of Terra Cotta bldg. Parking: do not use first two spots reserved. Please park in any other available spots. COVID safety: Candidates are required to wear a protective face mask to their testing appt and for the duration. If you feel unwell, please call to reschedule your exam. Infrared remote temperature will be checked at time of admission. Any candidates with visible signs of sickness may be turned away. Read details at simplexunited. Same parking lot as Carls Jr. We are located on the right-hand side. Turn right onto Pioneer Blvd, testing center will be on your right. Fresno, California E. Use the 2nd lane from right to take exit 7 for Jamboree Rd, then use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Jamboree Rd.
PSI Reopens Some Testing Centers During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Go about 1. Take the first right onto Corporate Park. From I-5 S? Take exit for Jamboree Rd. Use the 2nd from right lane to turn right onto Jamboree Rd. Take the ramp to Jamboree Rd then keep left at the fork to continue onto Jamboree Rd. Go about 2. Once parked, proceed through the front entrance and take the elevator to the second floor. The test center is in suite Modesto, California Sisk Rd Suite 2F, From either direction you are looking for the Vintage Faire North complex and will enter the parking lot and drive between the yellow gates to the middle building where you will find us.
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There is free parking right across from our entrance. North: From Highway 99 take exit Beckwith Rd. This will get you onto Sisk Rd. South: From Highway 99 take exit Pelandale Ave. Use the right lane to merge onto Pelandale Ave. When driving around on the outside, it? If you get lost, please contact Go south onto Monterey Ave 6 Miles. Turn right onto Highway 0. Destination will be on the right. You can enter any side door that is not attached to a large department store any time after 7am. N Palm Canyon Dr. Merge onto CA W Riverside. Take exit 61 Arlington Ave. Right onto Indiana Ave in ft. Testing Ctr is on the Left in ft. Eastbound- Take the CA W. Merge onto the I N. Take junction exit CA W Riverside. Left onto Arlington Ave. Westbound -Take the CA E. Take junction exit CA S Riverside. Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Watt Ave. Use the left lane to turn left at the first cross street onto Folsom Blvd. Use the left two lanes to turn left onto Manlove Rd. Turn left onto Cal Center Dr.
Pre-Employment Testing | Licensure & Certification | PSI Online
Building will be on the left. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Watt Ave. San Diego, California Morehouse Dr. End at Morehouse Drive. Turn right north on Kearny Villa Rd. Turn right east on Carroll Centre Rd. Turn right south on Via Pasar, turn left into the driveway. End at Scott Boulevard. Turn right at Mark West Springs Road. Turn left at Old Redwood Highway. Turn right on Wikiup Drive. First driveway on right. Turn left on River Road, go across overpass turns into Mark West Springs road on other side of freeway.
Psi Exams Fresno
Turn left on Old Redwood Highway. At exit 23, take ramp right and follow sings for Alvarado Niles Rd. Turn right onto Alvarado Niles Rd. After about a mile, make a U-Turn at Dowe Ave. Take the first right into the office park and then take the first left once on the property. Suite will be in the first building on your right. Turn left onto Alvarado Niles Rd.
Important Notice: Update Concerning COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)
L PARK. Find a location near you to take your exam. PSI offers free parking. You are viewing the California state website. Click HERE to select a different state.
CPJE PSI Candidate Handbook
Please check PSI's covid 19 update page for the latest information regarding testing locations and availability. The steps to become licensed are: Complete your prelicensing education requirements. Once you get your passing certificate from PreLicenseTraining. Register a PSI account. Go to www. Once you select your test option, you will be prompted to enter in your payment information to complete thee exam registration process. You must register and pay for your exam before you can see available test dates and times. Schedule Your Exam. Once you have registered and paid for your test, you may select your test location, date and time. You must get your fingerprints done by an approved LiveScan vendor to complete this process. To set up an appointment at one of our locations, you may call Coastal LiveScan at You may also get fingerprinted at the testing center on the day of your exam.
If you currently have an ACTIVE insurance license on file with the DOI, or have gotten fingerprinted for an insurance license within the last 1 year, you do not need to get fingerprinted again. Submit a completed license application to DOI: Once you have passed your state exam, you can submit your application for a license to the DOI. Application can be submitted on the DOI website www. For example, for a Monday appointment, the cancellation notice would need to be received on the previous Saturday. You may call PSI at Please note that you may also use the automated system, using a touch-tone phone, 24 hours a day in order to cancel and reschedule your appointment. NOTE: a voice mail message is not an acceptable form of cancellation. Arrive at least 30 minutes before your appointment, this extra time is for signing in and and identification verification.
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If you arrive late, you may not be admitted to the examination site and you will forfeit your examination registration fee. You must provide one form of identification and must be a valid form of government issued identification driver's license, state ID, passport, passport card or military ID which bears your signature and has your photograph.
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Failure to provide all of the required identification at the time of the examination without notifying PSI is considered a missed appointment, and you will not be able to take the examination that day.
PSI Test Center Openings | PSI Online
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Psi Exams Fresno Ca
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